How Media Has Changed My Life


     The past 7 weeks of doing media blogs has made me realize how much media has affected me. I have consumed more media than I thought I did. I spend more than just 2-3 hours looking at my phone. It is the additional time spent looking at other forms of media like T.V., ads, posters around school, Youtube, or magazines too. Media has caused me to lose focus a lot easier. Although I still use Internet almost everyday, I realize what I'm doing and try to prevent myself from being distracted. Before, I never knew how much going on my phone would take time away from doing something more beneficial. Instead I'm actually reading to find the answer and enhance my understanding, versus just simply going to Google and getting the answer automatically. Now,  I don't get as easily distracted as I did before. Even now, I noticed that I'm a lot more focused because I hardly ever turned on the T.V. or went to go watch a movie. Because I am hardly using media, I have found myself to be more involved in the present moment. 

     Moreover, my perception of media has changed. As I watch different commercials or see advertisements, I can identify the techniques being used or the need because it what I have become accustomed to in perceiving media. I can easily notice the ambiguity, double speak, and weasel words being used. I just think to myself and laugh at the ads due to my ability to see how each ad is trying to get my attention or manipulate us. Now that I am immersed with the mindset of a critical thinker, I realize that we are constantly confronted with media and advertisements. We  find ourselves believing what the media has to say because we assume what they say is the truth. One issue that has affected me and I'm sure has done the same to others is that media has created the reality assumption that men hold all the power in the society by constantly using and treating women as objects. Boys believe that they are better than girls, are constantly held  to the ideal masculine appearance, and the idea that they are who society depends on. On the other hand, girls are forced to believe that they have no power, rely on men for help 24/7, and to degrade both themselves and other women. Media has also persuaded us into believing that appearance is everything for a woman. Young girls are already exposed to the false idea that in order for them to be considered beautiful, that must be as inhumanly perfect as the models in magazines.     

      It is already known that the media can be discriminatory towards others. Media has become the outlet for cyberbullying, trolling, and to spread that "ideal" or "perfect" image. Media has portrayed this ideal life and lifestyle to consumers, making them believe that is who, how, and what they should be or act like in society. It deteriorates one from being their actual self because they desire to be like a famous celebrity. But now that I am aware, I am able to ignore all of these false assumptions or statements and not fall into media's trap. 

     This blog has really opened my eyes to see the overall truth about media. I am able to see the different techniques ads use to get our attention or appeal to our desires. Our lives are practically shaped by the media that surrounds us. We become highly reliant upon media to tell us what is true or false about the society. But like us, the media can be wrong sometimes! It has ultimately had a negative impact on our society. In fact, it has caused some to barely move forward in their life. Therefore, it is so important for us to obtain media literacy and become aware so that we will not be changed by the media around us. I really enjoyed these media blogs because it gave me the opportunity to learn more about media and enhance my understanding through reading the perspectives of my classmates. I hope my media blogs made you more aware of the truth about media. In becoming more aware, maybe we can steer media in the right direction to benefit for the greater good. As I come to a close, I want you to answer these following questions: Is having media really necessary? Why does one desire to have media?    


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