Meet My Best Friend, Media

     Media is everywhere and as we continue to consume it, we become like what is consumed. This observation has led me to ask, How regularly do I use media throughout my life or on a daily basis? In my view, I don’t think I use media very frequently. I only spend 20 minutes looking on both Instagram and Snapchat. But, taking this question into consideration, I have come to understand that there’s not a moment when I’m not utilizing media or not in place where it surrounds me. At first, I viewed media as what was seen on TV, computers, phones, and social media sights. From this point on, I see that there are so many more forms of media. I just never noticed them. Who knew that music or even billboard and magazine advertisements were associated with media. Because media is constantly around me, I’ve become so accustomed to it, that I guess I can say it has become my best friend.

     Now that I am aware of the distinctive forms of media around, I am able to recognize the impact it has on my life so far. I was born in a generation where media began to flourish and because I was born in such a world like this, I guess media has just been mandatory part of my everyday life. As I grew up in this media affiliated environment, I was tricked into believing that the imaginable concepts could also be applied to the real world. For instance, shows or films have given lessons or illustrated pictures in my mind, depicting how certain things should be. To add to this, until this day, I believed in the messages that Disney presented. I valued the pleasantries of pixie dust, lamps, and other magical objects, believing that with these, I could accomplish anything. For what reason did I believe that, when each of these are make-believe? From this, I was able to conclude that media drives me to acknowledge certain things as reality due to the fact that I have seen it or what its intended meaning is as I interpret it. In addition, my relationship with media has been majorly brought upon by my phone. As mentioned earlier, there has never been a time where I have been separated from media. Likewise, there is never a time where I can be without my phone. My phone has allowed for me to connect with others and stay up to date with the latest trends and news. But despite these benefits, this constant stare at a screen for hours has changed the way that I communicate with someone face to face. I’m so used to texting my thoughts out, yet when it comes to a verbal conversation, I can barely say a simple word besides “Hi”. I feel that the abilities of social media and other apps has isolated me from the outside world.  
     Media isn't generally a terrible thing, however it is unquestionably present in everybody's lives. Media has influenced me in more ways than I had suspected. I depend on media to entertain me when I have nothing to do, keep me updated on current issues, and even as a teaching tool. How frequently have you done either of these things? I bet an innumerable number of times. Media was made to influence our lives. It presents different or relatable situations, many of which has helped mold many of my own perceptions and values. Overall, media has become a necessity to how I live and navigate through the world.      


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