Snapchat: An Obssession that Won't Go Away

As I sat at my computer, thinking about what my next topic will be, I realized that I never analyzed social media. With the majority of the new types of media being brought out at such a quick pace, it can feel overwhelming to try to follow along. Also, when there are such a large number of new apps and sites endeavoring to get a hand on its customers, companies endeavoring to promote their product are prone to losing costumers, on the off chance that they are unfit to always engage them. We can see this with the week by week updates and new features on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. A standout amongst the most utilized apps, Snapchat, works efficiently to keep their millions of users obssesed.
The creators of the popular app have developed strategies such as "streaks", "Bitmoji", stories, and much more. One of the most popular tactics, "streaks" which, as I would see it, doesn't really have a reason. However, it keeps individuals utilizing the app on various occasions regularly. Despite the fact that there isn't really a point to keeping streaks, getting the "longest streaks" have enthralled people, specifically teenagers. The smart promoting technique originates from the company's utilization of targeting the consumer's need for affliation, their dread of being lonely, and the need to socialize. Celebrities use this app too, which thus impacts others to utilize the app. On Snapchat, people can stay in contact with friends or celebrities and stay up with the latest on their lives. Once there are a huge number of individuals utilizing and discussing the app, those who desire to be included in something will be temped to download it too.
I do view myself as being almost dependent on Snapchat. It's extremely simple to get connected to an app that keeps you attracted and stuck to it. There isn't one day that I don't go on Snapchat. If I'm not on there to keep streaks, it is to converse with my friends. Snapchat likewise has an arrangement that has to do with your "snap score." Most individuals who heavily spend their time on the app, feel particularly pleased to have a huge score going from 200,000 to 500,000. The possibility that Snapchat chose to consider this a "score", gives those who use it every day the inclination that they might succeed at something or if nothing else feel more dominate than others. As I see it, Snapchat's incorporation of streaks into their portable mobile app is the main satisfaction for consumers. Young people label the feature as "cool" since they are satisfied when a streak among them and another individual hits a specific number. In giving the user a distinct image and continuous interaction, the app addresses individuals' desire for attention and to succeed. Snapchat presents keeping a streak as a practically unthinkable accomplishment, so to hit 100 days with a close friend for example, makes one feel happy. Since majority of the present youth populace can't stray far from their streaks, we see exactly how successful Snapchat's marketing methods are.
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